
Super Madrigal Momus?

I guess I can state as fact that MOMUS likes to make concept albums. For all that he's done, he may have come up with yet another interesting new idea. Momus is hard at work on his new album from his little home studio in Tokyo, or is he? According to a recent article on his website, Momus is working with John Talaga (aka one of the SUPER MADRIGAL BROTHERS) in an exchange similar to that of the first (and only thusfar) Super Madrigal album. John will apparently be reworking each and every song on the album from his own little studio in Bay City, Michigan. So on opposites sides of the planet, there is an album in the works... and you can peer into the songwriting process via Momus' website. A release is expected for next February on American Patchwork in the US, Analog Baroque in the UK and Europe, and Quattro in Japan.

Editorial comment: This idea sounds intriguing, as long as the folk trend is over...