
Lots of Happenings at Camp Boo Radley

Ahh... God, I love it when so much fantastic news and music spews forth that it's tough to keep up with the news.

First off, there's lots of news involving sonic terrorist bravecaptain, otherwise known in a former life as Martin Carr of the Boo Radleys. If you haven't been paying attention all year, Brave Sir Melton has been releasing an mp3 singles club throughout 2005. Every month, a new track has shown up at the Captain's website available for inexpensive download (1 pound per track.) And it's well worth the investment, if you ask us.

It's also well worth the investment if you ask the Captain himself... as he's just announced a pretty cool deal. If you have downloaded all 12 of the 2005 Singles-of-the-Month by January 15th, 2006, you'll get sent COMPLETELY FREE a limited edition CD of bravecaptain's 'Eyeless in Canton' session for BBC Radio Wales. No charges, not even shipping. The 'Eyeless in Canton' session is a 24-minute mix featuring the likes of the Human League, Kool Keith, Akira the Don, Blondie & MF Doom alongside special mixes of tracks from the new bravecaptain album, 'Distractions'.

That enough good news for you? PSHAW. Let's talk about the new bravecaptain album, "Distractions," released on January 30th. We've been lucky enough to hear an advance copy, and it's definitely the most mature, sonically evolved bravecaptain record yet. Here's the best part: In an attempt to expand the bravecaptain fanbase across the world, "Distractions" will NOT be coming out on Martin's most recent label, Wichita. In fact, "Distractions" will NOT be coming on any label period. Starting on Mon., Jan. 30, you can simply log onto and download it COMPLETELY FOR FREE. That's right, Martin's GIVING us his new record FREE OF CHARGE!!!

Think that's enough Boo Radleys news to keep you going? Hardly. Now you need to go to PAPERLUNG is Sice's new band. That's right, the voice of the Boos is back after nearly a decade with a new project. There are 3 downloadable demos that are everything you'd want this band to sound like and then some.

Talk about one great Christmas.

bravecaptain website:
bravecaptain on MySpace:

Paperlung website:
Paperlung on MySpace: