

The Brother Kite Hit The Road

If you've been within earshot of me (Shane) this year, you've heard me rant and rave about Providence, RI's THE BROTHER KITE, who came in practically out of nowhere with one of the best records I've heard in ages, "Waiting for the Time to Be Right." Now, if you're in the midwest, you've got a chance to catch them live, as they're making a rare tour.

Giant Drag RIP?

Last year, we were saying that they'd soon be changing the music world, but word is coming in today that GIANT DRAG have split. Multi-instrumentalist Micah has left the band, leaving the group in the sole hands of vocalist Annie Hardy. Hardy's future plans are unknown, but the band's Myspace page says a new album is underway and lists the members of Giant Drag as Hardy and "whoever feels like playing." So perhaps we haven't heard the last of 'em QUITE yet...

Jonathan King: He Must Be Stopped?

There's an interesting new campaign on Myspace to get UK music empresario JONATHAN KING removed from the British Phonographic Industries (BPI)' "Man of the Year" honour (which King achieved in 1997.)

If you're unfamiliar with King, you're still familiar with his work. He's been a colorful svengali in the music business for over 30 years now. Among his many achievements, King was the brains behind the "original" boy band, The Bay City Rollers. He's also produced many Brit Awards ceremonies, sued the Pet Shop Boys, masterminded the UK entries in the annual Eurovision contest, and has had several UK chart singles under a variety of monikers.

Oh, yeah, and he's also a convicted paedophile. This is where the story gets interesting.


Tower Records RIP

TOWER RECORDS is going out of business.

The mega-store chain, which has been floundering of late, was sold off today to a company that will be liquidating all assets.

Massive sales start tomorrow, so if you're in a Tower city, it might be a good time to go scavenge those import bins for last-chance deals.


bravecaptain is, Apparently, Dead.

Word has come in fleeting and mysterious messages of late from the world of bravecaptain. As you should know, Martin Carr -- once the songwriting force of the mighty Boo Radleys -- has been putting out albums under the bravecaptain moniker for several years now. Unhappy with the music biz, Carr's most recent bravecaptain album was released in mp3 format on his website for free download.

Now comes word that the final touches are being put on the project -- bravecaptain is dead. Carr's final show as the Cap'n happens this Sunday at the Black Lion Guest House in Kilburn. The gig is being filmed for future DVD release, and fans are encouraged to share their fave bravecaptain memories and stories at the gig.

As for the future, it's fairly murky. Carr, a friend of this site who has contributed to our many projects over the years, is being mercilessly silent and NOT replying to our interview requests. We can, however, cite a source close to the artist who lets us know that, while bravecaptain may be dead, a new band is in the works and will be revealed very soon-ish. We'll pass on the details when we know 'em.

Bluetones Become The Band Who Cried "We're Gonna Tour America!"

I hate to say I told you so... BUT I received this email from the Bluetones camp this morning...

It is with great regret that The Bluetones are forced to announce the post-ponement of their planned shows in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Toronto, Sydney and Melbourne.

The band were looking forward to playing these shows but due to circumstances over which we have had no control, are not in a position to fulfil these commitments.

Due to legal reasons it cannot be discussed here the exact nature of what has caused the cancellations, but rest assured the picture will be made clear for everybody as soon we have the full facts in front of us. Again, I can only stress that this was not a decision that was taken by the band, so much as made for, and unbeknownst to, us.

I cannot properly express the heartbreak all of this is causing us, and apoligize sincerely for any dis-appointment felt by people who have already purchased tickets for these shows. We will try to re-schedule as soon as possible, although that is probably small consolation right now.

As it stands we may well be able to play the scheduled gig in Japan, we are trying to salvage that this week, but if there is any change there will be immediate notification.

I'm so sorry to everyone, but we intend to bounce right back from this and get out to the cities we have so looked forward to playing for the best part of this year, as soon as possible.

We feel like we've been kicked in the Mark. x x x

Deja vu anyone? The Bluetones US Tour was due to kick off TONIGHT at the Mercury Lounge in New York City. (sigh)

Holy Jeez... TBK Put Out a Masterpiece!

You ever get that feeling? You know, that nerd feeling? The one that happens when you hit play on a record you were expecting to be decent, only to find out that it's BETTER than decent? The feeling that makes your arm hairs stand on end? The reassuring comfort in knowing that your musical taste is FAR superior to most mere mortals? The DISCOVERY of something sonically brilliant?

It happened to me just now.

Rhode Island's THE BROTHER KITE may have just unleashed the album of the year on us. Their self-titled debut record a couple years back was one of the standout releases on the fledgling Claire label (your home for turtleneck-wearing shoegazing fans who still can't accept that Lush broke up.) Their first album was good; I was expecting the same from the follow-up.


Arab Strap Announces Their Imminent Demise

See I shouldn't open my mouth about how horrible it is when bands pack it in... I end up with something like this in my inbox:

Updated Friday 8th September, 2006
Yes, it's the end for Arab Strap. After ten years, six studio albums, three live albums and all manner of everything else, we've decided the story should come to a close. There's no animosity, no drama, we simply feel we've run our course and The Last Romance seems to us the most obvious and logical final act of the Arab Strap studio adventure. Everybody likes a happy ending!
We will, of course, be celebrating. Our anniversary compilation, 'Ten Years Of Tears'

Marion Reunite

It's so nice not to announce another band have split ways and to instead announce that an "old favorite" is back in the running. Macclesfield England's MARION have reformed, written some new material and are strutting their stuff next week at a couple of gigs in London and Manchester. For any of you who weren't familiar with Marion back in the day, not ONLY were they some of the nicest guys to throw off that Britpop scene, they earned kudos from SELECT, Melody Maker and the like at the release of their debut record "This World and Body" and the admiration of Morrissey to boot.

We were saddened a few years ago to read reports of Jaime Harding's drug troubles, but excited to have spied guitarist Phil Cunningham in the lineup with New Order. I'd assumed over the years that no news was bad news, so what a pleasant surprise this is. You can give a listen to a few new demos over at the bands's MySpace or check out the "news" from Tripwire.

(sidenote: Marion came to America once upon a time on a short US tour... must've been February or March 1996? And the band probably had a lil to do with my prescence at Excellent as I met Shane that night backstage at the Metro between sets of Marion and The Rentals. I could get even more personal and explain how I eventually met one of my best friends through an evening spent with Jules, Marion's former-former bassist but I'll save that story for another day.)

I Scream, You Scream

We all scream for PRIMAL SCREAM! If you haven't had a chance to check out the new Primal Scream record Riot City Blues, the gang from Scotland are offering up a few live videos for you to peruse on their website. Full songs are up for your listening pleasure as well as videos for "Country Girls" and "Dolls (Sweet Rock and Roll)." Don't forget to take a peek at a few of their performances from T In The Park a few weeks ago.