

NRR Broadcasts Fleet Foxes DC Gig

Enjoy last night's stunning set here.TMS faves include 'Sun Giant' & 'Ragged Wood'.Fleet Foxes are Paste's artist of the week.Visit the band on MySpace.MP3: Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal - Source

Noel Gallagher Says No To Free Music

Although this shouldn't surprise a single fan out there, Oasis' very own Noel Gallagher has made it clear that his band would not be following in the footsteps of Radiohead's "tip jar" style of releasing an album online. In fact, during a recent interview with BBC6 he claimed that the whole pay what you like method - Source

MSTRKRFT Shares LP2 Deets With Billboard

The electro duo exclaims: *The Looks (2006) was like a big experiment for us. That's why we called it The Looks and not The Brains or The Talent. This next record is more like us wearing our influences on our sleeves, although I don't know if anyone will notice that but us. We've made a record that is very 'us'.* Read the full article here. MP3 at bottom. - Source

Blur Almost Played Glastonbury

You read that one right. Bassist Alex James reckons that Blur were asked to - and very nearly did - play this year's Glastonbury Festival. - Source

My Bloody Valentine @ Glasgow's Barrowland: Dazed & Amused

Check out an extensive review, courtesy of our endlessly entertaining guest blogger Megan B, below. Enjoy her analysis of PJ Harvey's recent Moscow performance here. All accompanying photos (from MBV's June 20th London show) courtesy of Freekorps.It was one of those gigs where you had to isolate yourself from all reviews beforehand; if you caught snippets, it sent a wave of trembling into your gut. Too many of those waves and the anticipation would shake you out of existence before the show even started! Then it was one of those gigs you almost disbelieve as soon as it ends. Did four people really just do that?! By now the legends of how MBV ends their set has spun around & pushed everyone's descriptive powers. I like to keep things simple: they ended with a giant force of noise which they melded together seemingly effortlessly & the shocks of which shake the floor and start creeping up from your boots, to your knees, all the way to your face.A glance over the setlist still won't prepare you for the fact that you will never listen to Loveless or Isn't Anything again without remembering how this music is supposed to sound and at what volume. Every bit was so exquisite, you have to wonder if they waited over a decade to ensure that each particle of air in the atmosphere was in peak condition to conduct their sound waves from the tower of amps to your protected eardrums. Well, at least all but the vocals were perfectly transported. Dazed fans spilled out of Barrowland and onto the streets of Glasgow, most with punch drunk looks of bliss etched on their faces. This scene will repeat itself in every city they choose to play. No other reunion has been this glorious & perhaps the things to come from MBV will be just as heavenly.MP3: My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow - Source

Peter Hook's Plea For Curtis' Headstone

Peter Hook has been speaking to Xfm about the theft of his old Joy Division bandmates' headstone and asks that the memorial be returned. - Source

The Dandy Warhols stream new album online

The Dandy Warhols will release their sixth album, 'Earth To The Dandy Warhols', on August 18 - but are streaming clips of the album online now. - Source

Oasis to pick up lifetime achievement award today (July 4)

Oasis are set to receive a Silver Clef award in London today (July 4). - Source

New Mogwai - "The Sun Smells Too Loud"

Mogwai, those veteran Glaswegian purveyors of loud/soft/loud/soft instrumentals, are back with their sixth studio album The Hawk Is Howling, the follow-up to 2006's Mr. Beast. I've only been listening to the record for 24 hours, but track five, the 7-minute "The Sun Smells Too Loud," is without a doubt Hawk's catchy, shimmery, slightly nostalgic pop piece. Really, the majority of the 10 tracks have a downcast, melancholic, or at least darker bent, which makes it a curious first taste. (By the way, best song titles go to chilly opener "I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead" and moody, cinematic soft-to-loud scorcher "I Love You, I'm Going To Blow Up Your School.") - Source

EMI Market Share Dips Below 10 Percent; Indies Approach 14

EMI posted a recorded industry market share of less than 10 percent during the first half, according Nielsen Soundscan figures.... - Source