Boo Radleys and Moose Return

By shane

Two bits of WONDERFUL news to share with you all this weekend about two of our favorite bands, who are both returning to action:

First off, Creation has finally announced the return of the BOO RADLEYS. The Boo's new single is to be called "Free Huey," and will come out on October 2nd, followed by the new album, "Kingsize," on October 16. Reportedly, the album has a very poppy sound reminiscent of their "Wake Up"-era recordings.

And if THAT wasn't enough for you, we've received word that October will also see the long-awaited new album from MOOSE, entitled "12 New Ways to Fly." As the band have lost their distribution deal with Play It Again Sam, the new record will be self-released on their own Cool Badge label, which they used in the past to release the "Liquid Makeup" EP. If there is ONE band in the world to spend inordinate amounts of time and money tracking down their import releases, it's Moose. We couldn't be happier.