Koala Wants You!

By shane

Not so much a news item but a plea to help one of our favorite unsigned bands. If you don't know who KOALA are, you should head over to their website to find out more. That said, Koala need our help! The band DODGY (hey, remember them?) are gearing up for their upcoming comeback gig at the London Astoria. Dodgy are holding a contest via their website to pick an opening band for the gig... and Koala have been selected as a finalist! This high-profile gig could easily result in a record deal and much needed publicity for Koala. We want to help out the lads by launching a grass-roots campaign to get as many people as possible to vote for Koala... if you've got a couple seconds to spare (it's just a one-click process,) head over to www.dodgy.co.uk and cast your vote! Koala have asked us to extend their thanks to everyone for their continuing support - now let's give this GREAT band a chance to shine!