LCD Soundsystem Have "Big Ideas" For Sony Pictures' 21

By theajaysharma

The man who wrote a music for a shoe company has decided to lob his Kelly Kapoor approved efforts in a slightly more conventional direction: a movie company. Sony Pictures is releasing 21 (as in never always double down on 11) this March and has commissioned LCD to write a track, which they entitled "Big Ideas." Other artists on the soundtrack include Rihanna, UNKLE, MGMT, Amon Tobin (contributing old songs), Mark Ronson and Kasabian (doing most likely a Motowned version of Kasabian's "Lost Souls Forever") and D Sardy & Duke Spirit's Liela Moss (doing something we've never heard of). As for the movie, the official site says it's about "Five Students Who Changed The Game Forever" and has a page where you can click on the starring actors' faces (Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth, Laurence Fishburne, etc.) hear them speak, and learn all about how they got caught up in this crazy, crazy world of blackjack to begin with. Looks forgettable, but points for not making the five students walk into a casino to "All My Friends." - Source