Memphis isn't just in Tennessee anymore

By liz

Canada is quite a large place to stuff into one music scene, so we're not quite sure how they do it. Regardless of the geographical size... being a indie musician in Canada generally means you've played on the records of at least two other bands. Case in point, breakthrough artists last year Broken Social Scene contains members of neu wave act 'Metric', indie pop band 'Stars' and sonic explorers 'KC Accidential' to just name a few. Metric vocalist (and guest vocalist for BSS), Emily Haines used to sing in 'Stars' and Metric guitarist and songwriter Jimmy Shaw grew up with the 'Stars' frontman Torquil Campbell and also plays with 'Memphis'. Confused?

You'll be more confused at the end of the month, as we're about to get yet another grouping of these well talented musicians. Up until now, Memphis has remained a side project of Stars antagonist, Torq. After the 2002 release of a brilliant 5 song EP, A Good Day Sailing (Le Grand Magistery), things just sort of fell to the way side until Torq gave a call to Memphis co-conspirator Chris Dumont last spring. Finally, after well over a year in the making (recording in Vancouver and beyond, mixing in Montreal and chaos everywhere in between) the duo is set to release their debut album, 'I Dreamed We Fell Apart' on August 31. I'd keep an eye out for this newest formation of Canadian indiepop kids, as we've been hearing quite a bit of praise about this material.

And... just to make this juicier you can now listen to two tracks on the Paper Bag E-Card... 'The Second Summer' and a spirited rendition of the Pet Shop Boys classic 'Love Comes Quickly'. Enjoy!