WOXY Becomes Listener Supported

By liz

Many of you may already know some of the trials and tribulations of Ohio's WOXY. Over the past few years they've gone off the air due to financial reasons, but surprised us later all by coming back only through internet broadcasting. Well they've remained an online only station since but announced an unanticipated twist this monday... becoming wholly listener supported. Since they made the announcement on Monday they've already earned $8700 but that remains about a fifth of their goal. The station's FAQ should be able to answer any questions you may have about this switch but here's the quick outline of why they've taken this drastic measure.

"We were provided enough start-up capital to get WOXY.com off the ground with the plan of sustaining ourselves on advertising revenue. Unfortunately that hasnâEUR(TM)t happened. Advertisers have not yet taken to internet radio the way we thought they might. We still firmly believe that as technology advances, internet radio and WOXY.com will see a bright future. Now, in order to merely survive, we have to move to Plan B, which is to implement a listener-supported, premium service."