The Yearbook vs. Denton, Texas

By shane

If you want a solid, evil dose of hilarity, check out THIS THREAD on a local Denton, TX music forum.

The story goes like this: A band called The Yearbook plays on a bill in April with some local Denton bands at a small, non-paying venue. Irked at their lack of payment at the end of the night, The Yearbook heist a small practice amp that isn't theirs and sell it at a nearby pawn shop for gas money.

What The Yearbook didn't know is that the amp belonged to a beloved Denton musician with a LOT of friends. After discovering the amp in the pawn shop, the Denton kids checked receipts and figured out who stole/pawned it.

Thus begins the Denton smear campaign against The Yearbook. Forum posts... Photoshopped pics... Myspace bulletins urging other venues NOT to book The Yearbook. More accusations of the guys from The Yearbook stealing tip money and generally being douchebags...

And finally ending up with admissions, apologies, and a FedEx cash payment for the amp by the band.

It still hasn't stopped the Denton kids from trying to make sure that The Yearbook does NOT play your town. Read the thread from the beginning and check out the fun. And you can see The Yearbook's Myspace page here.