You Need a Pop Holiday

By liz

San Francisco will be going poptastic July 10-13 when the indiekids come to town. It's that time again for the SF Pop Holiday. This year's festival has a truly remarkable lineup including several international and renowned bands. The entire event will be held at Bottom of the Hill, which has apparently recovered just fine from that nasty bout of fire they had last month.

The Lineup:

thursday, july 10
pipas, honeybunch, bart davenport, free loan investments, salteens
friday, july 11
tullycraft, boyracer, aerospace, the how, frenchmen
saturday, july 12
lucksmiths, even as we speak, from bubblegum to sky, mosquitos, lil pocketknife
sunday, july 13
radio department, gregory webster (sportique, razorcuts), sprites, evening lights, origami, the crabapples